Mission, vision and strategy

Our main goal is to become an operator as universal as possible that offers the full chain of logistic services based above all on port assets with optimal utilization of automated business processes.

  • providing logistic services at the highest level so that our customers are really satisfied with them.
  • achieving the position of the best Polish employer in the logistics industry, providing excellent conditions for career development.
  • taking care of the interests of our Shareholders so that the funds invested by them guarantee them a constant and high profit.
  • striving to service the maximum number of clients in the field of activities related to the terminals in Gdynia and Świnoujście
  • organization of logistic chains and transport of goods with the use of the available means of transport in order to provide transshipment in the Group’s own sea terminals
  • gradual development of all port terminals held by the Group
  • extension of accompanying services, including freight forwarding and hydrotechnical ones

Strategy and its implementation

On 6 May 2024, the Company’s Supervisory Board approved the Development Strategy of the OT Logistics Group until 2026.

The motto of the strategy relying on three pillars of growth is DEVELOPMENT, ORGANIZATION, UNIVERSALITY, which means in particular:

  • development of a full and universal chain of logistics services, based on port assets;
  • modernization of infrastructure and superstructure to ensure high efficiency and quality of services;
  • further improvement and automation of business processes.

Thanks to strategic activities, the OT Logistics Group plans to maintain high dynamics of growth in revenues, profitability and capital expenditures. It also plans to significantly increase the number of handled loads.